¡Kiramebi No Hime to Sae Zutsuki No Oji Sodo Warudo Nitengo Deyuo Adobenchiya Sodo/warudo/2. 5 /Deyuo /Adobenchiya Esudaburiyu Nitengo Arupiji SW2.5RPG(SW2.5RPG)
¡Kiyomatsu Miyuki / Cho Kitazawa Kei / Cho Group SNE / Cho
[Machine Translation] Princess Shirese is honing her skills as a knight, and Prince Krumuon is studying at a monastery. When summoned by their brother, the Dauphin Lukes, the twins are told that he has little time left to live. There are only two heirs to the throne: one of you will be the next king, and the choice is yours. And the choice is yours. You will now embark on a journey through the kingdom together. You will travel around the kingdom together, to see with your own eyes the lives of the people and the problems of the kingdom that you have never known before. To get to know each other deeply and to decide which of you is more suitable to be king. You may face enemies to be defeated or evil intentions that threaten the kingdom from the shadows. Sometimes you will help each other, sometimes you will disagree, but you will keep going. For one choice awaits you at the end of this journey. This TRPG is set in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery. You are an "adventurer" in a different world called "Laxia," and you will be asked to fulfill various requests. The rules of the game are written in the rulebook, which is usually required to play the game, but this book can be played without the rulebook.