¡Utsubyo No Genin to Chiryo No Kihon Ga Wakaru Hon / Original Title: Depression(Newton Shinsho)
¡Meari Jien Takki / Cho Jan Sukotto / Cho Inada Ken / Kanyaku Oba Yumi / Yaku Hayashi Kaori / Yaku
[Machine Translation] According to WHO (World Health Organization) estimates, about 15% of the world's population will experience depression at least once in their lifetime. However, there are many cases of people who are unable to speak up for fear of social prejudice, or who take it lightly as a "common cold of the mind," resulting in serious illness. This book provides a compact overview of all aspects of depression based on the latest findings, including the causes of onset, treatment methods, efforts in Europe and the U.S., and future research issues. This book will provide everyone with the background knowledge they need to have in order to properly deal with depression.