¡Aguressazu(Sento Yosei Yuki Fu)
¡Kambayashi Chohei / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] The Jam, with the intervention of Colonel Lombardo, won the war against humanity and invaded Earth - that was the analysis of the FAF Special Warfare under Brigadier General Cooley. Major Booker recommends that Yukikaze and other machine intelligence explore the anti-Jam strategy in order to survive the special warfare. Meanwhile, Fukai Zero and Ensign Katsuragi, who returned from Earth with Yukikaze, land at an unmanned FAF base. Suspecting intervention by Yukikaze, Zero heads for the central command computer to assess the situation. Soon after, Brigadier General Kury establishes a new "jam-playing" aggressor unit for special warfare, and Yukikaze and Rafe decide to join. In response, a combat squadron from the United Earth Forces is dispatched, which brings unexpected warfare to the planet Fairii. This is the fourth in the series following "The Combat Fairy Yukikaze "Kai"", "Good Luck" and "Unbroken Arrow".

凌 Credits
Chohei Kanbayashi

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