¡Haru No Shinzo / Original Title: the Heart of the Spring(Otome No Hondana)
¡W. B. Ieitsu / Cho Akutagawa Ryunosuke / Yaku Ho No Jirotowoji / E

 Description
[Machine Translation] The boy had gathered more roses and lilies than he could hold in his arms. On the shore of an Irish lake, the old man and the boy are about to perform a secret ceremony. Yeats's "The Heart of Spring," translated by the young Ryunosuke Akutagawa, has been vividly remixed into a modern version by the popular illustrator Towoji Honoji, who is known for designing characters for famous video games and is responsible for Edogawa Rampo's "The Human Chair," Yumeno Kyusaku's "Love After Death," "Bottled Hell" and Izumi Kyoka's "The Surgical Ward. The popular series ( Otome no Bonshelf ) This is the 25th volume in the popular "Maiden's Bookshelf" series. This fascinating book can be enjoyed as both a novel and an art book.

凌 Credits
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa

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