¡Tensei shita Moto-Dorei, Saikyo no Kizoku ni Natte Toshiue no Musume to Sekai Saikyo wo Mezashimasu3 (Gangan Comics ONLINE)
¡Miki Nazuna, Tanahashi Namoshiro
[Machine Translation] A tale of the emancipation of the most powerful aristocrat! With the establishment of the guild, the story enters a new stage! Lewis has been reborn from a slave to a nobleman, and now he also has the most powerful power. He uses his power to free all the slaves in the world! Lewis, who was worried about the treatment of the serfs he rescued from the corrupt aristocrats, decides to establish a guild of liberators that will provide work to all slaves in order to truly save them! As the first request to the guild, Lewis is asked by his brother Robert to transport valuable paintings, but he is confronted by Alice, a witch with whom he has a history...! A fantasy about the emancipation of slaves in another world and their rise to power, presented by a duo of talented authors!