¡ananMarch 30, 2022 Issue [Cover] Snow Man
¡Magazine House
[Machine Translation] Snow Man Happy! Gekijyun! Brotherhood !!!!!!!!! Ethical Life 2022, Considering the SDGs What we can do now. Eat the skin, core, and seeds without throwing them away! A collection of delicious recipes without wasting anything. Wise selections to reduce daily garbage. Aim for a zero-waste lifestyle. The SDGs of the world and Japan as seen by people with overseas experience. Knowing" is also an important beauty habit. Sustainable beauty that considers the environment. Social time SPECIAL The SDGs of the future, as we turn the corner to reach the goal. From knowing to action! From me to you, society, and the future of the earth. Ethical gifts for a new era to connect a happy cycle. Let's start from the nearest place. Start SDGs action from today. My Sustainable Story There are things that cannot be thrown away easily. The reason why I continue to hold on to my attachments. ( CLOSE UP ) / Yuki Amami and Ryohei Suzuki Rhythm and Heat. In commemoration of the release of the movie "East & West Johnny's Jr. Our Survival Wars" Short-term intensive Close Up vol.03 A Move of Hope. Tatsuo Fukada/ Mitsunari Hiyama/ Hisho Yamai Yujin Suzuki/ Yusei Nagase ( Shonen Ninja/ Johnny's Jr. ) ... etc.