¡Wakari Aenai Tasha to Ikiru Sai to Bundan Wo Tetsugaku(PHP Shinsho 1302 Sekai No Chisei Series)
¡Marukusu Gaburi Ell / Cho Ono Kazu Hajime / Interview Hen Tsukiya Maki / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Modern society is becoming increasingly divided at the same time that respect for diversity is being called for. In a world where everyone has to live with "others" who are different from themselves, the philosopher Marcus Gabriel (without "others" we would not even be able to exist), asserts that the recognition of "others" in conventional philosophy is a fallacy. What kind of existence is the "other" from the viewpoint of Gabriel's "new realism"? How should we live with others? This book presents a new solution to the issues of (identity), (family), (love), (religion), and (ethics) in our modern life.