¡Yaneurabeya no Koshaku Fujin3 (B's-LOG COMICS)
¡Hayashi Maki / Cho Mori / Original Writer Aoi Donko / Character Genan

 Description
[Machine Translation] What new obstacles stand in the way of Opal's rapid progress that began in the attic? Opal has taken over the royal residence and dukedom from her ignorant husband, Hubert. She left Hubert and Stella behind and moved to the dukedom alone, where she began to manage it with Omar, a reformed former wrongdoer. One day, after three years of living like this, Hubert visited the dukedom. Opal felt a little uneasy, but her uneasiness proved to be true. Hubert brings with him an extraordinary thing. ...... What is the new wall that stands in the way of Opal's rapid progress that began in the attic...?

凌 Credits
Maki Hayashi

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