¡Rakudai-Kenja no Gakuin Muso: Nidome no Tensei, S Rank Cheet Majutsushi Bokenroku4 (Gangan Comics UP!)
¡Kentaro, Arata Shiraishi

 Description
[Machine Translation] The inferior reincarnated sage overpowers the most powerful species! After his second reincarnation, Eftal and his slave girl, Anastasia, enroll at the Krone Academy of Magic. However, a rumor about a mock battle with his former student, Merlin, causes him to lose his place at the academy... Eftal and his friends are hurriedly admitted to the Altena Academy of Magic, where Merlin is the headmaster, but it is an elite school where many demons who excel in magic attend... But Eftal, a human, is scorned by the other students as an inferior species...! This is the fourth volume of the extraordinary school fantasy of a wise man who was reborn from despair!

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