¡Fushigina Nipponjin Gaikoku Jin Ni Rikai Sarenai No Ha Naze Ka(Chiku Ma Shinsho)
¡Tsukatani Yasuo / Cho Pita Bara Kan / Cho
[Machine Translation] The reclusive nature of Japanese people, who do not strongly assert their own opinions, is difficult for foreigners to understand. Mr. Tsukatani, who has been doing business in Europe for many years, was repeatedly asked to explain why this is so in Europe, and was surprised when he visited European wheat farmers. The soil, waterways, and everything else is different from Japan. He realized that Japan's collectivism had its origins in rice cultivation, a highly labor-intensive activity that is rare in the world. In this interview, Mr. Barakan, who has lived in Japan for nearly half a century and knows the Japanese people inside and out, discusses the interesting and unique aspects of Japanese culture.