¡Jigoku No So Tomu / Hara Title : HOLLE SOTHOM Original Title: DIE SPUR DER KARTANIN(Hayakawa Bunko SF 2350 Uchu Eiyu Ro Dan Series 656)
¡H G Everusu / Cho Aru N to Ell Ma / Cho Watanabe Hiroshi Tasuku / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Julian Tiffler and Nia Selegris, along with three GOI baratensers, launched "Operation Sacred Temple." The purpose was to break into Sotom, the headquarters of the Sotho-Tig-Ian command center in Chomolungma of the Upanishadic school, to obtain information. One of the paratensors, Tinta Rae, who has been living separately in Chomolungma under a false identity, finds herself in danger when her true identity is discovered. The mysterious gray-haired old man appears on the scene to save Tinta!