¡Showa 40 ToshiotokoFebruary 2022 Issue
¡Kureta Publishing

 Description
[Machine Translation] ( Special Feature ) / Mono, the Age of Abundance Love in MONO ( part1 Masterpieces of Longing ) / Masterpieces of Eternity We Longed for / Kinnobu Morikawa, a famous producer, talks about the authenticity of his works ( part2 Manufacturers and Shops of Devotion ) / MIZUNO, a baseball boy's eternal dream brand / Technics SL-1200, a record player that revolutionized the record player / Books, bicycles, clothes, sound sources... Technics SL-1200 that revolutionized the record player / Books, bicycles, clothes, sound sources... Specialty stores that carry the things of the past ( part3: The props of the movies we longed for ) / Films and TV dramas / Special effects and animation that are as close to "real" as possible ( part4: The masters who color their lives with things ) / The life of a movie director that began with his collection Minoru KAWASAKI / Movie director's life began with his collection / Takuro MORINAGA / I want to live surrounded by things I like Teruhisa KITAHARA ( part5: A man of his age who is particular about his favorite things ) / Kazumasa NISHIKIORI/Hand-made nunchakus / Kazuya MIYATA/leather jacket / Kira SORIMACHI/order-made suit / Hajime OMORI/spiderman goods / Hajime OHMORI/spiderman goods / He was a member of the 1960s and 1960s Spider-Man Goods / Attraction of a Showa 40 Man (part6: Passionate Collector ) / Collector's Etiquette Learned from Jinichi Uekusa, Master of Miscellaneous Knowledge and Walking / Heyuki Suzuki, a man who devoted his life, soul and passion to collecting (in serial form) New Japan vs. All-Japan's battle between wrestlers without honor and distinction / The Blues Brothers movie was released in Japan / Kyoto Sho was the runner-up in the Summer Koshien tournament / Yoshitaka Gushiken lost the world title / Iyo Matsumoto made her debut with "Sentimental Journey" / Health Course for Men in Showa 40 Protect yourself from sleep disorders! If you neglect sleep, ruin awaits you ( Interview ) / Our Idol/Yumi Morio / The Ball of Remembrance/Takuh Egawa / Gut punch! A word of advice. A sermon from my brother / Takao Yamada / A little curious about the difference between one person and another / Makoto Nonomura ... etc.

凌 Credits

Minoru Kawasaki
Kazukiyo Nishikiori

Jinichi Uekusa

Yumi Morio
Makoto Nonomura
Yoko Gushiken

¡ Detailview


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