¡Sekai Ha Butsuri De Dekiteiru / Original Title: the WORLD ACCORDING to PHYSICS(Newton Shinsho)
¡Gym Aru = Kari Ri / Cho Kawamura Yasufumi / Kanyaku Handa Yu Minoru / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Jim Al-Khalili, a popular physicist in the British Tea Party, explains that space, time, energy, and matter, considered fundamental concepts in modern physics, are essential to understanding this world we live in today. To understand this, this book uses the three pillars of physics: relativity, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics, and explains them in an easy-to-understand manner. It introduces why all phenomena in the world can be explained by these three, using familiar examples and parables around us. This is a book that will interest even those who have had an aversion to physics.