¡Shimpaina Koto Ga Arisugimasu!
¡Kudo Junko / Saku Yoshida Sho Rei / E
[Machine Translation] Momo has not lost anything since she started first grade. She is so worried about forgetting things that she puts all her textbooks and notebooks in her school bag. When Momo was walking in the morning, Kazumaku said to her, "You look like a hermit crab. This was because her school bag was full and she was carrying a lot of things in both hands. Kazumaku said, "I have all my textbooks and notebooks at school. That's why I don't forget anything! He said, "No textbooks, no notebooks, no schoolbooks, no lost items! Kazumaku said, "I'm not fair, even though I'm really the number one in forgetting things. To the first and second graders of elementary school!