¡Tensei shita Moto-Dorei, Saikyo no Kizoku ni Natte Toshiue no Musume to Sekai Saikyo wo Mezashimasu2 (Gangan Comics ONLINE)
¡Miki Nazuna, Tanahashi Namoshiro
[Machine Translation] With the best and strongest family, he aims to be the savior of all slaves! Luis has been reborn from a slave fighter to a nobleman, and now he also has the most powerful power. He decided to use his power to become a "slave trader who saves slaves" for all the slaves in the world! One day, Luis hears a rumor that a certain nobleman is about to fall. Moreover, the man is treating his slaves and servants badly. Lewis rushes to the place with Sharon and the others to find out the truth behind the rumors, but...! This is a fantasy about the emancipation of slaves in a different world, presented by a duo of talented writers!