¡5000 Nichi Go No Sekai Subete Ga AI to Setsuzoku Sareta "Mirror World" Ga Otozureru(PHP Shinsho 1281 Sekai No Chisei Series)
¡Kevin Keri / Cho Ono Kazu Hajime / Interview Hen Hattori Katsura / Yaku
[Machine Translation] The Visionary. The author of this book, Kevin Kelly, is often referred to as such. He has predicted and predicted many technology-driven events, including the "winner-take-all" phenomenon of tech giants such as GAFA. So what will happen in the next 5,000 days? The author predicts a "mirror world," a world of augmented reality where everything is connected to AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is the birth of a new giant platform following the social networking service. Learn about this huge trend and survive in this era of accelerating change.