¡Yoidore Tombi Edo Ninjo Tampen Kessaku Sen(Asahi Bunko 17-4 Asahi Jidai Shosetsu Bunko)
¡Ueza Mari / Cho Kikuchi Hitoshi / Hen

 Description
[Machine Translation] The six selected works include "Drunken Tobi (Drunken Tobi)," about a former samurai and his wife living in a poor but warm tenement house; "Muro no Ume (Plum Blossom in the Room)," about a doctor specializing in autopsies and his wife who gives birth; "Miscellaneous," about Yohei Kikiya, who listens to unspeakable mistakes and worries; and "Biidoro Tama Kagami (Biidoro Ball Hairpin)," about the sad love of a young sister and brother who come to sell their hairpin at an antique shop.

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