¡Isekai Teni Shite Kyoshi Ni Nattaga, Majo to Osorerareteiru Ken Ozoku Mo Kizoku Mo Kankei Naikara Majime Ni Jugyo Wo Kike 1(EARTH STAR NOVEL ESN334) [Light Novel]
¡Inoe Mitsuru / Cho
[Machine Translation] Aoi, a school teacher, finds himself transported to another world. A wise man in the forest picks him up and teaches him magic, which he masters in no time, and he is recommended to join the world's largest magic academy as a teacher to further his studies. However, the academy is infested with problem children of the aristocracy who play on their power.... Aoi, with her overwhelming magic ability, teaches her students at her own pace, and is called a "witch" and feared by them...?