¡Anime "Kyousou Giga" Visual Book: Kyousou Zuga
¡Rie Matsumoto
This is a visual book that contains all of the production materials for the animations created as part of the Kyousou Giga Project. This book is a reprint of a book published by Asuka Shinsha Inc. in 2015. The up-and-coming animation director Rie Matsumoto, whose Pokemon music video "GOTCHA!" was released in the fall of 2020 and has nearly 40 million YouTube views, has created her first original work, "Kyousou Giga. The first Blu-ray box will be released in August 2021, 10 years after the start of production. This book contains visual materials from the entire "Kyousou Giga" series, from the first season's promotional video version, to the second season's webcast version, to the third season's TV animation version! In addition to the illustrations used for the main visuals, BD &DVD packaging, and Ichiban Kuji Lottery prizes, new pin-ups have also been newly illustrated. From the production materials, the original drawings and layouts for each series, as well as the "reduced layout" for the TV series version, rough character setting drawings, and other valuable materials will be shown for the first time. Also included are interviews with director Rie Matsumoto and character designer/drawing director Yuki Hayashi, who talk about the secrets of the production.