¡Shihon Shugi to Kiki Sekai No Chishikijin Kara No Keikoku
¡Marukusu Gaburi Ell / Cho Imanyueru Uorasutein / Cho Nanshi Furei the / Cho Accelerator Ho Net / Cho John Bera Me Fuosuta / Cho Okochi Yasuki / Cho Saito Kohei / Cho Gaeru Car Tea / Cho
[Machine Translation] Intellectuals from around the world, including Marx Gabriel and Immanuel Wallerstein, discuss the causes of and possibilities for overcoming the crisis in terms of desire, markets, gender, structural crisis, ecology, and other issues. This is a book version of the popular series published in the magazine "Thought," with the addition of Gabriel and John Bellamy Foster (winner of the Deutscher Memorial Prize in 2008). This is a collection of gems of interviews that expose the true nature of capitalism run amok.