¡Tensei shita Dai Seijyo wa, Seijyo de Arukoto wo Hidakakusu5 (EARTH STAR NOVEL ESN312) [Light Novel]
[Machine Translation] Fear returns to King's Landing from Sutherland and uses her special vacation to visit her sister and Zabiria in secret. Fia returns to King's Landing from Sutherland and tries to use her special leave to visit her sister and Zabiria in secret, but Cyril and Curtis can't see her... On the day before her departure, she is reunited with her old brothers, one with green hair and the other with blue hair. Fear is happy to see them, but for some reason, they are also going to accompany her on her journey to Kurotake, the sacred mountain! 2 Together with the brothers and the leader of a certain knighthood, they are about to depart! The fun vacation begins now! In addition to the Arteaga Empire and the past 300 years ago, the new volume includes episodes from Commander Clarissa, Commander Quentin, and Fear's sister Oria!