¡Hoten Bunshi Daikansen / Hara Title : DIE GORIM-STATION Original Title: KODEXFIEBER(Haya Kawa Bunko SF 2322 Uchu Eiyu Ro Dan Series 638)
¡Peta Glee Ze / Cho Aru N to Ell Ma / Cho Masuda Kumiko / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Bull and his crew were heading to the eastern side of the Sio Som galaxy in a fleet of vessels led by the Explorer. Kochistova, aboard the "Asclepius" of the same fleet, is working with Kiddo to treat four Hansa specialists who have fallen into comas after taking in code molecules into their bodies. Kido senses some kind of change in his body and disappears. Meanwhile, the code molecule spreads within "Asklepios" and Kochistova hastens to develop an antiserum.