¡Sora Shin Sora Wo Tobi, Kaze Wo Okosu Gakkou! 1(Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
¡Natsumi / Saku Sono Mura / E
[Machine Translation] My name is Sota. My father tricked me into enrolling in a ridiculous school that teaches the art of manipulating the wind and flying! The uniform is like a kimono, and all the students live in a dormitory... ( sweat ). Moreover, he has a big fight with his roommate, Renya. She makes some interesting friends and has a cute teacher, but the classes are extremely hard, including a hellish mountain road marathon ( tears ) ! Then, Renya and I decided to participate in a rookie event, but a fox monster appeared in the cave and almost took the lives of me and Renya! Wake up the blade of the wind and escape from an absolutely fatal situation! Winner of the Kadokawa Tsubasa Novel Award Silver Prize. An exciting and hilarious school story. From elementary school intermediate level.