¡MrsJanuary 2021 Issue

 Description
[Machine Translation] Original notebook - Yumiko Higuchi's calendar Binding appendix - 23 hot-spring resorts with hot-spring baths ( Special Features ) / Family New Year's Eve / The Raku Family Gathers for the New Year / Tsuyure, New Year's kimono worn by Miho Kanno / Fortune comes to a laughing family / Actress Maiko learns from Hiroyuki Kanda of "Kanda" about the Japanese Osechi ( Japanese New Year dishes ) / Learn about the Japanese New Year's traditions and how to enjoy them ( Fashion ) Fuji to celebrate the New Year / The unforgettable taste of my mother / Lifetime watches that mark the time together / Men who create the times: Takuya Kimura / Letters to the next generation Setsuko Sarlo / Nourishing White Soup (Winter Edition) / Upgrade your happy hormones! (Mark Rothko / Transitioning colors / Timeless hands Imaizumi Imaemon XIV: Ceramics / ICONS-Stones and designs that symbolize the Maison Chaumet ... etc.

凌 Credits
Miho Kanno
Takuya Kimura

¡ Detailview


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