¡Digital TV GuideNovember 2020 Issue
¡Tokyo News Tsushinsha
[Machine Translation] Program Listing Dates / Terrestrial TV / Broadcasting System (BS) September 29, 2020 - October 31, 2020 / SkyPerfecTV! /Cable TV October 1, 2020 - October 31, 2020 Appendix - Cut out and use! New Autumn Drama Timetable / Wide Fold-out Edition! Satoshi Tsumabuki & Yuriko Yoshitaka pinups (cover and front page gravure) / Satoshi Tsumabuki & Yuriko Yoshitaka - Satoshi Tsumabuki and Yuriko Yoshitaka will appear together for the first time in "Dangerous Venus," the most popular drama this fall! We look at their enthusiasm and solid relationship of trust as they tackle Keigo Higashino's mystery, which is a mixture of mystery and love-hate! ( SPECIAL Interview ) / Hiro Tamaki & Jun Shizon / Nana Mori & Rinya Nakamura / Kyoko Fukada & Kouji Seto / Toshiaki Karasawa / Junketsu ( New Movie Interview ) / Yuriko Yoshitaka ( New Information Interview ) / Chidori ( Feature ) / Personality Chart + Highlights + Plus MEMO for a complete understanding! Complete catalog of new autumn dramas / Junichi Okada gravure interview! In-depth analysis of the 5 major trends! / Autumn New Programs & Special Programs Super Guide / Special talk between Akari Kito and Hiro Shimono & in-depth commentary on the theater version! The peak of popularity! Oni no Kakeru no Kaede (TV's "Must-see" programs) / Special drama "Tokyo Tarareba Musume 2020" (BS's "Must-see" programs) / Japan's most ordinary and delicious Ueno Shokudo by dancyu (CS's "Must-see" programs) / Ojousama Piaoyakken: Princess and Sergeant (end of volume) / Complete data on movies broadcast on TV: 1,700 titles Over! Terrestrial TV / BS / CS / 4K Movie Index ... etc.