¡Yata Gakarasu Sama to Shiawase Kosodate Gurashi Kakuteru Kisu Reberu CK-55 COCKTAIL KISS LABEL CK-55(Cocktail Kiss Label ck-55) [Light Novel]
¡I Kyo Ru / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Kounosuke Hachiman, who works at the Nahami Inari Shrine, catches a baby raven falling from a sacred tree on the shrine grounds. As he was checking to see if there were any injuries, a beautiful young man calling himself Beni suddenly appeared in front of him and asked him to return the baby raven because it was his own. He was too suspicious to refuse and evacuated him to the shrine office, but before he knew it, the baby raven was gone. However, the raven falls from the tree again, and the young man says that he is actually Yatagarasu, the guardian deity of the sacred tree. When Akinosuke worries about their life together, Beni kisses him and says, "You are so kind, Akinosuke," and takes him to a splendid temple at the top of the tree.

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