¡Otona No Digital TV NaviAugust 2020 Issue [Cover] Kimura Takuya

 Description
[Machine Translation] Program List / Terrestrial 6/28 - 7/31 / BS / 4K / 8K / CS Cable/ SKY PerfecTV! 7/1 - 7/31 (Special Features) / New summer dramas and new dramas starting in July Summer Drama Information / This month's special drama " 20202020" is coming up! Special Drama of the Month "Heshikatsu Shigekunin 2020" is coming! / Serials / This month's cover: Takuya Kimura / Lamentation: Nobuhiko Obayashi's "Katsudo Keisaku Tachi no Angle" Extra Edition / So Kuramoto's "From TV Country" / Akira Ikegami's News: So That's What You Think! Adult Study Book / "Kartan Channel" Appendix: July TV Movie Calendar ... etc.

凌 Credits
Takuya Kimura

¡ Detailview


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