¡Sekai Bungaku He No Iza Nai Kiki No Jidai Ni Nani Wo, Do Yomu Ka(Word Map)
¡Ogura Takashi Makoto / Hencho Uzawa Yoshiko / Cho Kodaira Maiko / Cho Kawashima Tate Taro / Cho Sakata Sachiko / Cho Saru Akari Jiki / Cho Sekine Ken / Cho Tatsumi Takayuki / Cho Harada Noriyuki / Cho Matsushita Yuichi / Cho Matsumoto Kenji / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Literature is always in crisis, and has experienced and overcome crises. The world has a diverse range of literature, not only from Western Europe and Japan, but also from South America, Africa, China, Korea, and Okinawa. Now is the time to delve into the fertile forest of world literature and enjoy its wisdom and energy. This book is an easy-to-understand guide to the charms of literature in keyword form.

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