¡Dorobo Ha Sekai Wo Suku Chohen Humor Picaresque(TOKUMA)
¡Akagawa Jiro / [Cho]
[Machine Translation] Save my grandson! Junichi Konno was casing a house for robbery when an old man suddenly appeared. The old man was his former colleague, Hirokichi Kusano. The old man told him that his granddaughter, a high school student, had been caught as the shooter of the President of N. Korea who was visiting Japan. When Mayumi, his wife and a detective, asked him to confirm this, he told her that the police arrested his granddaughter without conducting a thorough investigation because her grandfather was an ex-thief with a criminal record. Junichi and Mayumi begin to investigate, and discover a black agenda swirling in the underworld...! The latest installment in the popular "Husband is a Thief, Wife is a Detective" series exposes the evil in politics and the media!