¡Kokufu Ron Kokumin No Tomi No Seishitsu to Genin Nikansuru Kenkyu Ka / Original Title: an Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Gencho Dai5 Han No Honyaku(Kodansha Gakujutsu Bunko)
¡Adamu Sumisu / [Cho] Ko Tetsuo / Yaku

 Description
[Machine Translation] The most important classic in the history of modern economics and social thought, "The Wealth of Nations" ( 1776), deals with a wide range of subjects. It deals with division of labor, money, labor, interest, markets, interstate trade, stages of national and social development, subsidies, colonies, mercantilism, agrarianism, defense spending, public works, education, taxes, monopolies, public debt.... The recommendations in this book, which thoroughly explores measures to achieve a truly prosperous nation, are still valid today.

凌 Credits
Adam Smith

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