¡Shokuzai Nazi Fukusoto Rudorufu He Su No Senso
¡Yoshida Yoshishige / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] On May 10, 1941, before Nazi Germany's war of extermination against the Soviet Union, Hess, who was said to be Hitler's agent, flew alone from Munich to Scotland with a Messerschmitt at his side. Hess flew alone from Munich to Scotland to make peace with Great Britain. However, Hitler was furious when he learned of this, and Churchill refused to cooperate. The world begins to move toward destruction. The life of Rudolf Hess ( 1894 - 1987 ) is described in this strange memoir without a subject ( I ). This is a full-length novel by director Yoshishige Yoshida, written 20 years after its conception as a proof that we lived in the same era!

凌 Credits
Yoshishige Yoshida

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