¡Junior EraApril 2020 Issue
¡Asahi Shimbun Publications

 Description
[Machine Translation] Special Appendix / Supporting the World in Various Languages Poster ( Special Feature ) Poster ( Special Feature ) / Love English / Special Interview with Tomohisa Yamashita "How to Enjoy Learning English" / Kiyoshi Isshiki's "Isshiki Sokuhatsu" won the Academy Award for the first non-English movie / What do you want to know about the news / How will the future change with 5G? How will 5G change the future? / Panic over new virus / New records set by thick-soled shoes / Copyright fees from music schools? (Takuya Kimura and Doraemon are co-starring in a dream! Hello work in the age of AI Job guide for the future: Nurses / Sports tips! Golf / Kodomo Chikyu Navi: A boy from New Zealand / Peek-a-boo Detective Goes! Supermarket / Science Junior Era The world recognized "Tibanian" ! / Historical Figures ON STAGE Kawamura Mizuken, Mitsui Takatoshi, Kinokuniya Bunzaemon ... etc.

凌 Credits
Tomohisa Yamashita (Yamapi)
Takuya Kimura
Sexy Zone
Shori Sato

¡ Detailview


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