¡Sono INU No Na Wo Dare Mo Shiranai(ShoPro Books)
¡Kaetsu Hiroshi / Cho Kitamura Yasuichi / Kanshu

 Description
[Machine Translation] In February 1968, the body of a Karafuto dog was found near Showa Station in Antarctica. It was an unknown "third dog" that had survived at Showa Station along with Taro and Giro, who had made a miraculous comeback. Taiichi Kitamura, who participated in the first Antarctic wintering party as a dog handler and was the only member of the third wintering party to be reunited with Taroro, was not informed of this fact until 14 years after the body was found. Why was the "third dog" buried in history without anyone knowing about it? What is the true identity of the dog? When the identity of the sealed "third dog" is revealed, the greatest mystery surrounding Tarogiro's miraculous return to life is unraveled.

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