¡Sekai Shi No Hari Ga Maki Modoru Toki "Atarashi Jitsuzai Ron" Ha Sekai Wo Do Miteiru Ka(PHP Shinsho 1215 Sekai No Chisei Series)
¡Marukusu Gaburi Ell / Cho Ono Kazu Hajime / Yaku
[Machine Translation] German philosopher Marcus Gabriel has been called the "rock star of philosophy" and has attracted worldwide attention. His "new realism" is considered a groundbreaking argument that shows that "only the truth exists" in the age of "post-truth," when it is no longer possible to know what the truth is. This book contains thrilling dialogues and proposals by up-and-coming philosophers, spoken for Japanese readers. Taking up the "five crises" that are occurring in the world today, the book depicts "how the new realism sees the world" from various perspectives. This is an intellectually exciting book that looks at the present and future of the world from a philosophical perspective.