¡1 Satsu Marugoto, Matsu No Susumu Aratame Roku Daime Kanda Haku Yama(pen BOOKS 029)
¡Pen Books Henshu Bu / Hen
[Machine Translation] In the fall of 2018, Pen+ (Pen Plus) will publish the book "Matsunosuke Kanda". The legendary storyteller has continued to gain momentum and dominate all forms of media. On February 11, 2020, he was promoted to the rank of Shindate and assumed the name of Kanda Hakusan VI, the grand name of Kanda Matsunojo, and his story was re-edited and published as a book by Pen Books, "1 zukan marugoto, Matsunojo Kanda Hakusan VI" based on Pen+'s "1 zukan marugoto, Matsunojo Kanda" (1 zukan marugoto, Kanda Matsunojo VI). The book is now available in book form. This is a book that shows Matsunojo the past and Hakusan Kanda VI in all his future works.