¡Tada No Nemuri Wo / Original Title: ONLY to SLEEP(HAYAKAWA POCKET MYSTERY BOOKS 1951)
¡Rorensu Ozu Born / Cho Taguchi Toshiki / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Philip Marlowe, age 72. The private detective retired ten years ago and is now a retired man in Mexico. He spends his days sipping margaritas and playing cards on the terrace of his hotel. But then Marlowe receives his first case in a long time. He wants to confirm that the real estate agent who supposedly drowned actually died in an accident. The insurance company suspects a cover-up. Marlowe follows the man's trail, traveling back and forth between California and Mexico. Eventually, he meets the man's wife, the beautiful Dolores. An unusual writer's dedication to Chandler, Marlowe, an old man, goes to an exotic land with a cane!