Nikkei Woman Takarazuka Special Wide EditionFebruary 2020 Issue [Cover] Yuzuka Rei
Nikkei BP Marketing

 Description
[Machine Translation] / Hikaru Yuzuka, new top star of Takarazuka Revue's Hanagumi (flower troupe), dissects the thoughts and habits of people who continue to shine! (Special feature) / A small habit of 5 minutes in the morning, at night, and in your spare time will improve your life by one stage! Become the person you want to be this year! 100 tips / Methods to turn your habits and life around Practice at the beginning of the year! Try the "mental inventory work" to get closer to the "self you want to be"! The "Do's and Don'ts" of 8 people who have achieved their "ideal self" / The MY Revolution for generating time and money / The new habits work if you "sakidori" (get ahead of time) both time and money! / Time thief "browsing on your cell phone" is a blackmail! Tips on how to stop being lazy on your phone / Hacks on how to do time stealing "work"! 10 actions to reform my work style / Petty habits that will change me / List of 50 happy habits that you can do in 5 minutes in the morning, in your spare time, at night, and on holidays to "change yourself" -Start small and develop new habits 3WEEKS Challenge *Create a "tidy habit" to maintain a comfortable room *Create a "beautiful posture habit" that leads to improved health Develop a "beautiful posture" that improves your health *Develop a "saving habit" that leads to more and more money The Art of Continuation: Don't Fail in 2020! Brain-scientifically correct method to keep up your habits / Meet the new you by opening up your fortune Getters Iida's work & money fortune-telling 2020 / Petit sugar restriction, dashi diet, Monday fasting Diet is 90% what you eat! New way of eating for weight loss / Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics are just around the corner! How to build an unbreakable heart by learning from athletes who "overcome adversity" / Integrated series: Part 3 "I won't get a pension! What women who think "I won't get a pension! etc.

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