¡Doraemon0 (Tentomushi Comics)
¡Fujiko F Fujio
[Machine Translation] Six different "Doraemon" episodes in one collection! In honor of the 50th anniversary of Doraemon's birth, this collection includes six different "Doraemon" episodes in their original versions and in full color. The legendary preview, in which the title and main character were not decided until the very last minute before the closing of the comic, and "The Birth of Doraemon," a manga by the creator himself, are also included for the first time in a new book format! The commentary at the end of the book is also enriched with valuable photos and documents. The layout of the door of each episode, the logo, the character usage for each grade, and the use of proper nouns, which are different from today, have been reproduced as much as possible in order to convey the atmosphere of the time when the series was first serialized.
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