¡Muri Ru No Buki Shonin / Hara Title : KRISENHERD ANDRO-BETA Original Title: DIE WAFFENHANDLER VON MRILL(Haya Kawa Bunko SF 2241 Uchu Eiyu Ro Dan Series 598)
¡H G Furanshisu / Cho Masuda Kumiko / Yaku
[Machine Translation] A flaming beacon, which serves to open a passage through the galaxy for the passage of an infinite armada, approaches the planet Gathas in the Felt star system. However, an attack by the time element on Gathas causes the time axis to go haywire. The Ten Commandments of the Elements are trying to extinguish the flaming beacon. As Cosmocrat Taulek, Vishna, and Reginald Bull prepare to defend the planet, the flame beacon changes. To their surprise, the flame has returned to its former form on the planet Gorgengol!