¡Hakkutsu! Rekishi Ni Uzumoreta TV CM Mita Koto No Nai Showa 30 Nendai(Kobunsha Shinsho)
¡Takano Hikari Taira / Cho
[Machine Translation] On August 28, 1953, the first commercial television broadcasting station, Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTVN), opened its doors and the era of television commercials began. However, the early days of TV commercials are shrouded in mystery, and until now, little has been known about the actual situation. This book attempts to uncover the reality of these unknown early TV commercials by making full use of a number of excavated materials. Almost no one will remember these unnamed excavated items. A leading researcher on the history of TV commercials brings back to life TV commercials buried in history with abundant images and easy-to-understand explanations. Now that the Heisei Era has given way to the Showa Era, this is a book that will help us remember the Showa Era correctly as it moves further and further away.