¡Tamamono / Original Title: Original Title:(Na Bokofu Collection)
¡Urajimiru Na Bokofu / Cho Numano Takashi Yoshi / Yaku / Urajimiru Na Bokofu / Cho Konishi Masataka / Yaku
[Machine Translation] The Gift" ( 1938). Fyodor is a young man of letters who has just published his first book of poems after defecting from Russia to Berlin. While earning a living as a private tutor, Fyodor attends literary salons to train as a writer, but the response to his book of poems is poor, and he gives up on an attempt to write a biography of his father. However, when he moves out, he falls in love with Gina, the daughter of a lodger, and begins work on a critical biography of Chernyshevsky, a radical thinker of the 19th century. The Artists' Novels," a collection of Nabokov's Russian-language writings that includes autobiographical elements. The Butterfly of My Father. Fyodor, the protagonist of "The Gift," is the narrator of this short story, a sort of essay, in which he remembers his father's achievements as a lepidopterist. As Fyodor describes the idealistic appeal of his father's butterfly catalogs and deciphers his father's new theory of taxonomy, he begins to form an image of his late father. It is widely believed that the book was intended to be published alongside a volume of "The Gift," but it was left unfinished and published by his son Dmitrii after Nabokov's death.