¡Isekai De Takoyaki Ya Hajimetakedo, Wari to Kantan Ni Tsubureta(HJ Bunko) [Light Novel]
¡Nana Shoku Shunjitsu / Cho Kin Ta / Illustration
[Machine Translation] The name of the man who lives on the riverbed is Heisuke Dawn. He opened an octopus dumpling shop in the other world to which he was transferred and became the man of the hour. However, an incident brought his business to a standstill. In the blink of an eye, he became homeless. While Heisuke is fighting a fierce battle with crows and stray dogs at the burger shop's garbage dump for his daily bread, he hears a dignified woman's voice. 'Long time no see, master. A reunion with Surfire, a slave maid he picked up when he was a businessman, marks the beginning of a life-changing story that begins at the very bottom of the pile... HJ Bunko Silver Prize winner.