¡Kojiki Jo Manga Koten Bungaku(Shogakukan Bunko K Sa 1-1)
¡Satonaka Machiko / Cho
[Machine Translation] A history book established in 712 (Nara Period). It was compiled by Taian Mampo at the order of Emperor Genmyo, based on the Imperial Chronicle (a chronicle of the emperors, containing the genealogy of the emperors and the succession to the throne) and the Old Tale (an ancient tradition), which were planned during the Temmu dynasty and recited by Hieda-Arei at the order of Emperor Temmu (711-712). This volume begins with a text compiled by Taian Manko. The upper part of the volume deals with the origin of the formation of the land and the origin of kingship in the Shinji period. The middle volume covers the period from Emperor Jinmu to the 8th Emperor Kogen.