¡Ten Mei No Shirube 10 [PART 3](Haya Kawa Bunko JA 1362)
¡Ogawa Ichi Mizu / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] The story of the "Salvation Group," the descendants of the Aurelia line, and their machine-made sons and daughters, set in the Ark of Mankind called Many Many Sheep, comes to its conclusion. In a land barely rebuilt from the New World Herb C after overcoming the worst hatred in the history of mankind and a fate that has been passed down from beyond the galaxy of sheep, monkeys, and a hundred scoops, under the hopeless Giant Ark, together with humans and non-humans, we hope that the Aoba will be prosperous. Ten no Mei no Mokuteki, volume 10, book 17, is finally complete.

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