¡Kakusa Shakai Wo Dokusho(Chiku Ma Shinsho 1333-5 Series Care Wo Kangaeru)
¡SATO MASARU / Cho Ikegami Kazuko / Cho
[Machine Translation] Japan has awakened from the dream of a "100 million middle class. A little bad luck can send anyone tumbling to the bottom. Once you fall into poverty, it is not easy to climb back up again. Masaru Sato, who has had a checkered life, and Kazuko Ikegami, a clinical psychologist with a psychological focus on the realism of poverty, discuss contemporary poverty in depth, introducing 30 books to help us understand the reality of social inequality. Why poverty and abuse are linked, what kind of education is necessary to avoid falling into poverty, and what the coming society should be like. The film clearly depicts the course to survive in a society of inequality.