¡Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files (Layton Mystery Tantei Sha Katori no Nazo Toki File) 4(Shogakukan Junior Bunko)
¡Hino Akira Hiroshi / Original Writer Level Five / Genan Kanshu Hikawa Ichi Ho / Cho
[Machine Translation] The motto of the Layton Detective Agency is "Solve every riddle, no matter what it is! Katie, who runs the Leighton Detective Agency, is a girl who loves riddles. She spends her days doing riddles in London with her assistant, Noah, and their talking dog, Charlo. The riddles this time include a kissing scene stolen from a popular movie, Inspector Aspowaro's hard day off, and a pianist plagued by a doppelganger.... The fourth novelization of the hit animated TV series! A gory Nazotoki story! From middle grades.