¡Sakka Tachi No Olympic Gorin Shosetsu Kessaku Sen(PHP Bungei Bunko)
¡SHIROYAMA SABURO / Cho Asada Jiro / Cho Okuda Ei Ro / Cho Akasegawa Hayabusa / Cho Ogawa Yoko / Cho KAIDOTAKERU / Cho Gaku Ga Mio / Cho Hosoya Tadashi Takashi / Hen

 Description
[Machine Translation] In the hands of seven popular writers, you will discover such unexpected fascination with the Olympics! -The Olympics are not only about the athletes. It is not only the athletes who compete in the Olympics, but also the regions and host organizations that come forward to host the games, the people who watch the games on site and the spectators via TV, and those who are affected by this national event regardless of whether they are interested or not.... This is an unprecedented anthology of masterpieces, ranging from passionate and moving works to satirical pieces that touch on current affairs, including works newly written for this book and works that have not been previously published in books.

凌 Credits

Jiro Asada
Youko Ogawa
Takeru Kaido

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