¡Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files (Layton Mystery Tantei Sha Katori no Nazo Toki File) 3(Shogakukan Junior Bunko)
¡Hino Akira Hiroshi / Original Writer Level Five / Genan Kanshu Hikawa Ichi Ho / Cho
[Machine Translation] Katry is a girl who loves riddles and mysterious cases. She opens the "Layton Detective Agency" in London and solves one mysterious case after another with her assistant Noah and her talking dog Charlo. The mystery of this year's puzzle is also full of mysteries, including the sudden disappearance of a millionaire's pet, the 100 million pounds lost from a bank vault, and the whereabouts of a superhero who has been appearing in the city. This is the third volume of the exciting novelization of the hit TV animation "Layton Mystery Detective Agency-Katoly's Nazotoki File"! From junior high school age and up.