¡Teinen Go Ni Fufu Nakayoku Kurasu Kotsu(Best Shinsho)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Many of my friends around me have wives who say that they hate the fact that their retired husbands have to stay home all day long and see each other. One woman said that when her husband is home, she spends time at her daughter's house and with her grandchildren. Being alone with their husbands is very stressful. If you take away the children and work from an elderly couple and let them live alone together, it can sometimes become awkward, and in some cases, the stress can be overwhelming. How to live well in retirement with just the two of you is a big question that should be seriously considered. Here are 50 tips from Yoshinori Shimizu, a veteran of 37 years of living alone with his wife, that are both funny and useful.

凌 Credits
Yoshinori Shimizu

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