¡Anime Producer Ni Naro! Anime "Seisaku" No Shikumi(Seikaisha Shinsho)
¡Fukuhara Kei Tadashi / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Anime producers have two roles: "production" and "production. The "production" position is to view animation as a "product" and the "production" position is to view animation as a "work of art". Japanese animation has a high level of creativity and is in demand around the world. However, the business side is still in its infancy. The only people who can change this structure are the animation producers of the new era, who have the skills and will to change both "production" and "production". This book is intended for animation producers to learn at once the "common sense of the present" necessary to create the "future. Please use this book for the future of the animation business.

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